Friday, July 24, 2020

Lightning Bugs: The Story of Fireflies in Glass Jars

Did you ever try to catch lightning in a bottle?

It’s so powerful that it might cause you to throttle!

It will zap you, sting you, and knock you to the ground.

An easier solution is when lightning bugs are found!

Lightning bugs are magic, like stories by J.M. Barrie.

They remind you of pixie dust and every type of fairy. 

If you catch them in a bottle, they become a flashlight.

Fireflies that shine in the deepest darkest night. 

Beauty that twinkles and delight that glows.

Why the bugs shine so bright, no one really knows!

But they make you feel like a child on a summer eve,

A child forever with lightbulbs up your sleeve.

A firefly is a delightful beetle with precious wings. 

A glowworm that carries what a shooting star brings.

Green, yellow, and orange, blinking so romantic!

They keep predators away; so hunters are frantic. 

If you find a lightning bug, give them a safe home.

Let their light shine, instead of wandering like a gnome. 

A wet towel on the bottom of the jar is essential.

Holes in the jar’s lid are more than prudential. 

Don’t let their twinkling bodies disappear!

Hold them so close and love them so dear.

They are nature’s fireworks and spark!

Long live the lightning bugs that glow in the dark.


Copyright 2021 Jennifer Waters