Catherine "Kitty" Hershey sings about her husband Milton Hershey.
My little dutchman,
Has a big heart.
I love him so much.
Don’t know where to start.
Ever since the day,
When we first met,
He’s been my prince.
Yes, he loves my brunette.
If you think he’s crazy,
You need to change your mind.
‘Cause he’ll always make you smile.
He’s sure one of a kind.
My little dutchman,
Has a large will.
I need him so much.
Oh, my soul be still.
He’s as sweet as punch,
With chocolate twist.
I’ve been his queen,
Since the first time we kissed.
Most days he is modest.
He’s humble as a pie.
Though his check account is huge,
He’s just a simple guy.
He gives candy bars to strangers.
He gives jobs to old friends.
He won’t fear about the dangers,
Of business and its trends.
If you think he’s tiny,
You better think again.
Oh, he’ll stand up to the world.
He’s not like average men.
My little dutchman,
Is not so small.
Oh, after all,
My little dutchman,
Has a big, big heart.
Copyright 2018 Jennifer Waters