Thursday, December 1, 2022

"Kiss Me Beneath the Mistletoe," A MERRY CHRISTMAS CAROL


I've trimmed the Christmas tree

And hung the stockings above the fireplace.

I’ve bought the holly wreaths

And wrapped the gifts with tiny candy canes.



Santa’s elves have begun to call,

But there’s something missing after all.



I’m waiting for you to hold me close,

And kiss me beneath the mistletoe.

Put your arms around me; never let go,

And kiss me beneath the mistletoe.



If I stand under a doorway,

And feel the magic of this festive time,

Will you stop and adore me?

Will the love of my dreams finally be mine?



Snowflakes have begun to fall,

But there’s something missing after all.


I’m waiting for you to hold me close,

And kiss me beneath the mistletoe.

Put your arms around me; never let go,

And kiss me beneath the mistletoe.



As the season passes,

My heart races faster

For happily ever after. 


I’m waiting for you to hold me close,

And kiss me beneath the mistletoe.

Put your arms around me; never let go,

And kiss me beneath the mistletoe.



Kiss me beneath the mistletoe.

Kiss me beneath the mistletoe.

Copyright 2023 Jennifer Waters

"Written in the Stars," A MERRY CHRISTMAS CAROL


One winter night in ages past, 

The sky shone with the light of eternity, 

Leading the way for three wise kings

To the babe who would die on Calvary. 


His love was written in the stars.

Now it's written on my heart. 

Inscribed in the heavens,

It will live in me forever. 



This child was surely God with us.

All creation sang forth His praises.

The sun and moon bowed in place.

The earth rejoiced with the angels.


His love was written in the stars.

Now it's written on my heart. 

Inscribed in the heavens,

It will live in me forever. 



Aries and Hercules pale in comparison 

To the brilliance over Bethlehem

That first Christmas Eve.


Virgo and Gemini fade with the sunrise, 

But the radiance of the Christ child

Extends through all who believe.


His love was written in the stars.

Now it's written on my heart. 

Inscribed in the heavens,

It will live in me forever. 



It will live in me forever.

It will live in me forever.

Copyright 2023 Jennifer Waters