Sunday, June 2, 2024

"Come Dance With Me," A LOVE SONG


You’re standing in the corner,

Looking lonely and blue,

While the band is playing,                                          

A marvelous tune.

I can’t bear to see the frown

Anymore on your face.

Please give me a chance,

To make the heartache go away.



Come dance with me.

Come dance with me.

Come dance, come dance with me.



Nothing is as bad 

As it seems at the time.

When the rhythm moves your heart,

You’ll forget why you cried.

I’ll hold you so close,

You’ll feel me breathe,

And before you know it,

You’ll be light on your feet.



Come dance with me.

Come dance with me.

Come dance, come dance with me.



When the song ends,

You’ll want to dance again.

You’ll say, “Come dance with me.”



Come dance with me.

Come dance with me.

Come dance, come dance with me.



Come dance with me.

Come dance with me.

Come dance, come dance with me.


Copyright 2008 Jennifer Waters

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