Sunday, June 5, 2016

Musical Alphabet: The Story of Singing A to Z

A is for a cappella when you want to sing alone. 

B is for beat, which is almost like a tone. 

C is for concert when you’re standing on a stage.

D is for duet when you have a partner to engage.

E is for echo if the music falls behind you. 

F is for forte if the volume doesn’t find you. 

G is for guitar with its body and six strings. 

H is for harmony when a chord grows wings. 

I is for interval, or the space between two notes.

J is for jazz that a bebop scale promotes. 

K is for key to regulate the music pitch. 

L is for lyric that good rhymes can enrich. 

M is for melody that you sing inside your heart. 

N is for note when you need a place to start. 

O is for opera which is performed at a house. 

P is for piano with works by Mozart and Strauss.

Q is for quartertone for half a semitone count. 

R is for rhythm like it’s coming from a fount. 

S is for song, which is something that is sung.

T is for tune that you learn when you are young.
U is for unison when you sing with many friends. 

V is for voice, which has its dips and bends.

W is for waltz if you want to dance in three. 

X is for xylophone that you play on your knee.

Y is for yodel if you like to call or shout. 

Z is for zills because the letters have run out!


Copyright 2016 Jennifer Waters

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