“What are these red hearts?” asked Olivia Genesee, as she looked at tiny flowers that resembled hearts. Overnight, the flowers appeared on the limbs of the Tree of Life in her backyard. They hung between the twelve different fruits that grew on the Tree and strangled them. The fruits usually decorated the Tree with their bright colors and invited people to eat them, but this day they mostly looked withered and dying.
“Do you want a pear, Meatloaf?” the 12-year-old asked her dog, who barked at her question. She picked one from the tree that had not yet shriveled from the hearts. Then she wrapped a lock of her chestnut brown hair around her finger.
“Could this be my third test?” she asked herself. “First, there was the test with the Tree of Good and Evil, then the test with the Tree of Life. Weren’t two tests enough?”
As the third mysterious tree stood in her backyard in Humansville, it looked almost like a tree that was bleeding. It had shrunk a bit and bloomed red, pink, and white hearts that damaged its otherwise delicious fruit.
“The Tree of Bleeding Hearts is what this looks like,” Olivia said, as she adjusted her glasses and studied the crippled Tree. “Mom, do you think the flowers on this tree make it look like it’s bleeding?”
“Bleeding?” her mother Claire questioned. She sat in the backyard reading a book on gardening. “Oh, that’s silly, honey. Trees don’t bleed.”
“Yeah, the tree looks like it cut its finger,” her 10-year-old brother Nathan joked.
“Hurry! Call an ambulance,” her father, Jacob added with a chuckle. “Oh, what happened to the fruit? It looks all dried up,” he said with a closer look.
“No one ever takes me seriously, but I am the one who always fixes everything,” Olivia complained.
She decided to ignore her family’s comments, sat down at her player piano in the living room, and pounded out J. S. Bach’s “Toccata and Fugue in D Minor” and “Arioso.”
“At least I got to keep this piano as a reward from the Tree of Good and Evil after I passed the first test,” Olivia said. “And we could eat the fruit from the Tree of Life whenever we wanted, and it was really good. Why is the tree now bleeding hearts?”
Then, Olivia took herself up to her bedroom to do her homework for seventh grade English. “I have a test tomorrow,” Olivia called to her parents as they walked into the kitchen. “I have to know everything about Ralph Waldo Emerson.”
“You’ll get an A plus,” her father announced. “You always get good grades.”
On that windy night when her family was fast asleep, Olivia sneaked into the backyard with Meatloaf and a flashlight to further study the bleeding tree. All the fruit on the tree had completely dried up by now.
Her old jeans had holes in them, and she rolled up the cuffs of her button-down shirt. She double knotted her sneakers so the ties would not come undone.
“What is to become of us this time?” Olivia whispered to Meatloaf.
She picked him up in her arms and held him close to her chest. Then, wind against the tree and caused a storm of hearts to fall in her direction.
Fascinated at their shape, Olivia grabbed the flowered hearts in her hands and studied them. “Why weren’t these flowers here before, Meatloaf?” she wondered. “They are choking the fruit! This is so hard to understand.”
Then, she crossed the backyard, opened the sliding glass door to her home, and walked into the living room from the moonlight. Her dog jumped on the piano bench.
“Above all else, guard your heart,” Olivia quoted a proverb like a poet and arranged the flowers on the top of the piano into a large heart-shape. As she did so, the player piano abruptly played the magical song that announced the opening of the window from Humansville to the Land of Eden.
“Do you hear that Meatloaf?” Olivia stammered. “It’s the song that takes us to Eden. I wonder if Mom and Dad will hear it this time. I doubt it.”
Olivia ran back to the Tree of Bleeding Hearts, which no longer had any fruit on its branches, but had transformed itself into a display of red heart-shaped flowers.
She starred at the open enchanted window between Eden and Humansville, wondered why it had opened, and considered what to do this time.
“Don’t jump through it yet, Meatloaf,” Olivia instructed him and watched him wag his curly tail. “We have to figure out what is going on.”
Free of her sentence of being chained to the original Tree of Good and Evil, Evelyn, named after the first woman Eve, stumbled through the window from Eden covered in red heart flowers.
“I need your help,” plead the woman in a green-leaf body suit, who collapsed into Olivia’s backyard. “I might as well be covered in bleeding flowers. Adam II opened the window to Humansville right before he disappeared. I fear that he is terribly hurt.”
“What happened, Evelyn?” Olivia cried. She grabbed a beach towel from a lawn chair in the backyard and cleaned her off from the flowers.
“King Adam II has been threatened by Prince Asmodeus of the Land of Trembling, the brother of the deceased Prince Ubel. Since then, many of the trees in Eden might as well be bleeding heart-shaped flowers!” Evelyn explained, as she wiped herself with the towel. “After you saved Adam II and left Eden, everything went sour. Since you defeated Prince Ubel, his brother took revenge.”
“What did Prince Asmodeus do to Adam II?” Olivia asked. She squirmed and bit her lip.
“He disappeared while sitting on his throne when Prince Asmodeus charged his sanctuary,” Evelyn told her. “I tried to find him, but I couldn’t.”
“I should have never left Eden,” Olivia lamented. She sighed and sat on the ground next to Evelyn. “But what would I have done if I stayed? I have no special powers.”
“Please come back to Eden,” Evelyn begged Olivia. “Help me protect the kingdom from Prince Asmodeus. We are so vulnerable since Adam II is gone.”
“I don’t know if I can help you again,” Olivia said, as she put her head in her hands. “I made it through the first two times.”
“If Prince Asmodeus gains full control of Eden, then he will come for Humansville next,” Evelyn clarified. “Don’t think that he won’t come for you! The original Tree of Good and Evil and the original Tree of Life from the Garden of Eden still stand in the land, and right now, they are the only thing keeping Eden from being overtaken with evil.”
“What is this?” Olivia asked as the Tree of Bleeding Hearts in her backyard started to shed all its red heart flowers, like it was bleeding. Meatloaf whimpered as the player piano continued its concert with the opening of the window.
“The window won’t stay open for long,” Evelyn said. “Make your decision because I need to go back to Eden. I can’t stay in Humansville.”
“Fine, Evelyn, I will help you again,” Olivia agreed. “I will do whatever I can. Meatloaf, do you want to come with me?”
Her faithful canine friend jumped into her arms, and she jumped through the window with Evelyn following her. She did not even look back.
As Olivia traveled through the magical window to Eden, a vision of Adam II flashed before her eyes, and he asked her: “Why do you look for the living among the dead?”
“Is Adam II still alive?” Olivia asked herself. She spun through time and space with Meatloaf and Evelyn. She hoped that somehow Adam II had been spared a horrible fate.
Olivia arrived in Eden under the original Tree of Good and Evil in tears.
“I just saw Adam II in the tunnel between Eden and Humansville,” Olivia told Evelyn. “Did you see him?”
“No, I didn’t see him,” Evelyn motioned. She sat next to Olivia. “I hope he is still alive.”
Olivia looked at the trees all across Eden that were filled with red, pink, and white heart-shaped flowers. She wondered if Adam II had died, but somehow alive at the same time. She wiped a red flower from Meatloaf’s nose. Hearts covered almost every tree in the kingdom, and the petals blew in the wind. Some of them caught Olivia’s hair.
“What now?” Evelyn asked. She brushed petals from her face, so she could see clearly.
Olivia wondered if Evelyn was still shocked from Adam II’s disappearance. Evelyn seemed a bit distant and agitated.
As Olivia and Evelyn strode across Eden with Meatloaf, Olivia had more visions of Adam II. She would see him in front of her, and then behind her, and even beside her.
“Did you see that?” Olivia asked Evelyn. She blinked twice, and twice again.
“See what?” Evelyn responded, not able to see Adam II.
“I guess not,” Olivia said. She squinted and saw Adam II again as he walked next to her with his crown, and then he disappeared. She wondered if he was secretly trying to give her motivation to save the land, but also questioned if she was hallucinating.
“Why did this have to happen?” Evelyn cried. She jumped into the springs and washed herself of the falling flowers in the land. Olivia jumped into the waters as well and noticed Adam II standing next to the original Tree of Life that grew by the waters. He must have been somehow standing there, or she was just seeing things.
The Tree’s flaming sword swung around it and protected it from people of ill will.
“I don’t know why this had to happen,” Olivia responded. She watched the images of Adam II fade away a moment later.
Then, without warning, Prince Asmodeus marched into the grounds with a group of guards with weapons. They paced in a straight line behind him.
“Ssshh,” Olivia whispered to Evelyn. She jumped from the springs, grabbed Meatloaf, and hid behind the Tree of Life. Evelyn swam and hid in the corners of the springs near her.
“I thought Asmodeus was in hiding, fearing for his life,” Evelyn whispered to Olivia. Neither Olivia nor Evelyn could hardly breathe.
“Open the window to Humansville!” Prince Asmodeus ranted to his guards. He studied the Tree of Life from a distance. However, he could not pass by the flaming sword, which kept him from touching the Tree. “Where is the window? Somebody, find it for me, and open it!”
“Yes, sir, but I think only Adam II could open the window,” the guards stammered and looked at each other in confusion. They had no idea where to find the window. “Right away!”
“That brat Olivia destroyed my brother,” Asmodeus raved. “How do we find her?”
At the sound of her name, Olivia quickly covered Meatloaf’s mouth until the evil Prince left. Then, Olivia saw another split-second vision of Adam II with the flaming sword that protected the Tree of Life, after which Prince Asmodeus retreated with the guards.
“Hurry! Quickly, follow me before he comes back,” Evelyn insisted. She jumped from the spring and whispered to Olivia and Meatloaf. “We have to flee to the hills. Follow me to my horses.”
“Why the hills?” Olivia questioned. “Isn’t that too far?”
“Adam II’s sister, Princess Bethany, lives in hiding in the hills,” Evelyn explained. She ran as fast as she could to horses that meandered in a nearby valley. “Bethany’s son, Jairus, is the next man in line to be king. We can stay with them for now,” she told Olivia.
“I hope they won’t be upset that they need to hide us,” Olivia said. She looked at Meatloaf with a worried expression. As Evelyn mounted a black mare, Olivia jumped on a chestnut horse with her dog. His soft mane felt just like a pillow.
“We will be safe with Princess Bethany,” Evelyn said. “She is deciding if she wants to be Queen of Eden or pass the right to her son as its next king.”
Olivia had a bad feeling, but she followed Evelyn into the hills. The duo passed other residents of Eden, who hid in their homes.
As Olivia, Meatloaf, and Evelyn approached Princess Bethany’s cottage in the hills of Eden, a young man stepped out on the front porch with a spear.
“Jairus! I’m so glad to see you,” Evelyn called. She dismounted her horse, tied him to the nearest fence, and ran to hug Bethany’s son. Olivia tied her horse next to Evelyn’s. “Meet Olivia Genesee. She’s come to help us find Adam II,” she told Jairus.
“Evelyn and Olivia Genesee!” Jairus announced. He ran to greet them. “It’s an honor to meet you!”
“Glad to meet you as well,” Olivia said and looked at his large weapon. Meatloaf rubbed up against her leg.
“Come inside as my guests,” he said and motioned to the trio. “My mother will be glad to meet you.”
“I hope none of Prince Asmodeus’ guards followed us,” Evelyn said with a sigh.
Olivia closed the door behind them as Meatloaf slipped into the cottage before her.
“I wish for the crown to pass to Jairus. It will fit his head well,” Princess Bethany explained later that evening during an elegant feast in her cottage.
The princess sipped wine. Glazed ham, turkey, potatoes, asparagus, wine, butter croissants, and grapes lined the table. Candles flickered on both sides of the room.
“We are in hiding until we can figure out how to defeat Prince Asmodeus,” the princess continued. She raised her glass of wine. “We don’t think he knows that we are here.”
“I wish I could have saved Adam II before he disappeared,” Evelyn said with regret. Then, she turned to the princess and added: “I asked Olivia to come back to Eden because I didn’t know what else to do.”
“I really didn’t think you would need my help again,” Olivia said with Meatloaf, who sat on her lap. She fed him a piece of ham. “I think Humansville actually needs me more than you do, but I was worried that if I didn’t help you that he might overtake us. No one there would believe me if I told them about the danger.”
Then, Princess Bethany raised her wineglass and announced: “To Adam II!” Everyone raised their glasses in agreement and took a drink.
After they finished their meal, they enjoyed toasted marshmallow butterscotch pie, chocolate cream pie, pecan tarts, and ginger toffee pudding. Even Meatloaf enjoyed most of the desserts. For a moment, all was well, and everyone forgot their impending troubles.
Evelyn wiped her mouth, placed her napkin on the table, and curled up in a side rocking chair besides the fireplace. “I’ll help you clear the table in a minute,” she told Princess Bethany.
“No need. I can clean up quite fine on my own,” the princess told her guests.
Then Olivia looked at Jairus and smiled. She said: “Thank you for a lovely evening!”
“Dance with me,” Jairus grabbed Olivia from the table and pulled her near the fire.
Jairus and Olivia spun in a circle. Then, he kissed her and took the sapphire necklace from around his neck and placed it on her neck.
“This is for you in gratitude of what you did for Eden,” he thanked her as he held her hand. “It is my mother’s necklace.”
“Thank you,” Olivia stammered. “It’s beautiful.”
She placed it under her shirt and had another momentary vision of Adam II.
“Why am I seeing Adam II’s face again?” she said to herself.
Before Olivia could regain her composure, about a dozen of Prince Asmodeus’ guards burst through the cottage door, gagged Princess Bethany, and took her as prisoner.
“No! Mother!” Jairus screamed, as he watched her drug from the cottage by the guards.
Olivia threw unlit logs from the fire at the guards, but it did not deter them.
Meanwhile, Evelyn tripped two of them and caused them to fall onto the floor. Then, she cracked ceramic pottery over their heads, and Meatloaf chewed their pants legs.
“Long live Adam II,” Jairus yelled. He tied up the guards. Then, he shoved them in the kitchen pantry and locked the door.
As all the guards seemed to be deterred, Olivia lit a candle and held it outside. She looked for any more intruders or Prince Bethany’s whereabouts.
“I don’t see anyone else right now,” Olivia said. She blew out the candle and went inside the cottage. “Who knows who is hiding beyond the ridge?”
Petals from the bleeding trees blew through the door into the fireplace as Jairus cried for his missing mother.
“Mother, we will find you,” he said to her spirit. Then, he looked at Olivia and Evelyn. “She blessed me as King of Eden. She wanted me to take the throne in her honor.”
“I will help you as much as I can,” Olivia promised in tears. She stared at Jairus’ devastated face.
Then, Meatloaf pried open the almost closed door with his nose and paced on the porch. He kept watch for more invaders who might lurk in the distance.
“I know this is hard, but I think we need to leave before Prince Asmodeus sends more guards for a second attack,” Olivia said. Then, Olivia saw Adam II again. This time, he held the bleeding hearts, as though they had the solution of how to defeat Prince Asmodeus.
She asked Jairus: “Do you think the bleeding hearts from the trees can be used to tranquilize Asmodeus?”
“When the bleeding hearts first started falling, a wise soothsayer in the land told my mother that they will act as poison to anyone who has evil in his or her heart,” Jairus explained.
“But how do we get them to defeat Prince Asmodeus?” Olivia asked.
“I’m not sure,” he said. Then, he looked at his mother’s photo on the fireplace mantle. “If the person has good in his or her heart, then the hearts act as protection. This is why the trees produced hearts when Adam II went missing. It’s like they were crying to protect Eden. Now, they will cry more for my mother.”
“These hearts are so frail,” Olivia said. She caught a handful as the wind blew them through the cottage door. “Such a simple thing can be used for good.”
As Jairus gathered a sack with water and a few days food, Olivia gathered as many petals as she could in a wooden bin. Evelyn sat with Meatloaf on the front porch and continued to keep watch.
“What if we made the petals into a serum that could be put in a potion?” Olivia suggested. “Maybe we could bait Asmodeus at the Tree of Life by the springs and slip a concentrated dose of bleeding-heart serum into his drink? It would knock him out until we could capture him.”
“The petals already falling from the trees have not been enough to defeat him,” King Jairus said. “It seems to be the only possibility right now.”
So, Olivia, King Jairus, and Evelyn collected as many bleeding hearts as they could and crushed them into a serum. Once the serum was made and poured into a small flask, Olivia placed the flask in her jacket pocket. Jairus grabbed his bow and arrow from beside the fireplace along with handfuls of rope.
Then, the group travelled by horseback in the early morning light to the springs by the Tree of Life. The cool dawn air fell on Olivia’s skin as a comfort.
When he reached the Tree, Jairus dismounted his horse and stood in front of it. He screamed: “Come and find me! We are ready for you!” Meatloaf let out a long cry.
“We could hold Asmodeus’ nose and pour the serum down his mouth,” Evelyn said. “One way or the other, we will make him drink it. Then, we can restrain him.”
“How are we going to do that?” Olivia questioned. “I have to try something drastic. The flaming sword protecting the Tree of Life has to save us.”
Olivia handed Evelyn the flask of serum and ran toward the Tree. Then, she climbed up its branches. She stepped on one limb after another until she was in reach of the flaming sword that circled the Tree. She laid across a branch and stretched her hands out to grab the sword.
“I have no bad intentions toward you or the Tree,” Olivia cried. She held the sword tight in her hands. The sword felt heavy, and at any moment Olivia thought it might slip from her hands. “Please don’t hurt me! Save us and the Tree. Defend us to Prince Asmodeus.”
Within moments, Prince Asmodeus arrived with a legion of guards that surrounded him.
“How dare you defy me!” Prince Asmodeus screamed at King Jairus. The guards advanced toward Jairus with their weapons.
Then, Prince Asmodeus charged toward King Jairus with his sword raised. Jairus remounted his horse and raised his bow and arrows in defense.
“Death to Eden,” Asmodeus screamed. His eyes rolled back in his head like he was mad.
“I am now king, and I will avenge Adam II and my mother,” Jairus screamed in defiance. “You will not take the throne of Eden. Surrender!”
Before the guards could advance, Olivia pointed the flaming sword at Prince Asmodeus. It sent a strong beam of light into his chest and knocked him on his back.
“Run now Evelyn!” Olivia yelled. She pointed the beam of light from the sword at the other guards. She knocked them from their feet as well. It was so bright that Meatloaf covered his eyes with his paws. Stunned, Jairus did not even have to shoot one arrow.
“Now Evelyn!” Olivia yelled. Evelyn charged toward Asmodeus with the flask.
As the guards collapsed, Prince Asmodeus fought to stay conscious.
Before Prince Asmodeus could stand up, Evelyn held his nose and poured the serum down his throat. The prince coughed and gagged, and then appeared asleep. Evelyn ran from guard to guard with the flask and poured the rest of the serum down their throats.
Then, Jairus cut a portion of rope and tied the wrists of Asmodeus.
Olivia continued to beat the guards down with the beam of light from the flaming sword until Jairus tied every last one of their wrists.
“That was for Adam II,” Olivia declared. “I hope he is alive!”
While she still sat in the Tree of Life, Olivia envisioned Adam II standing next to Asmodeus in grief. It was as if Adam II asked: “Why did it have to come to this?”
Olivia had no answer for him, neither did Meatloaf, who whimpered at the collapsed bodies. As Evelyn mounted her horse in victory, Olivia threw the flaming sword into the air, and it continued the circle the Tree of Life as normal.
Now King Jairus was ruler of Eden, and peace was once again restored.
“Jairus, you must now sit on your uncle’s throne,” Olivia insisted. “I’m not leaving until you reclaim the throne. I’m also still hoping that we can find Adam II.”
“Hurry to the palace before any of Asmodeus’ other guards try to destroy it!” Evelyn said from her horse. “I will remain on the lookout at the Tree of Life until you reclaim the throne.”
As King Jairus and Olivia, who held Meatloaf, rode to the palace and ran into the throne room, Olivia hoped the throne was not already overtaken. They rushed through the doors into his inner chamber to find Asmodeus’ guards, as they approached the throne with torches.
The fire from beneath Adam II’s throne burned with orange, blue, and purple flames.
“Wait! Their torches carry natural fire,” Jairus warned Olivia. “The supernatural fire surrounding Adam II’s throne will devour them.”
“Oh, a hobbling elf once told me about the supernatural fire around his throne,” Olivia recalled from her first trip to Eden. Meatloaf buried his head in Olivia’s chest.
Sure enough, within seconds, the fire from beneath Adam II’s throne blazed onto the guards with the torches and melted them.
“Wow,” Olivia gasped. “I have never seen anything like that before.”
“Those guards thought they could burn Adam II’s throne, so I would not reclaim it,” King Jairus said. He walked past their remains and took his seat on his new throne.
“Long live King Jairus!” Olivia chanted, as he sat on the throne of fire. She kissed him on the cheek, and Meatloaf barked in delight.
“What will I do without you?” Jairus questioned. “Where will I find a suitable queen?”
“I need to graduate from middle school,” Olivia stammered. “I’m sure my parents must wonder where I went this time.”
“Indeed,” King Jairus agreed. He scooped fire from his throne into a glass flask.
“This fire is to protect you until we meet again,” he said. “Let it burn as a reminder of the covenant of peace between Eden and Humansville.”
Olivia accepted the goblet of fire with tears. She wished she could stay with her new friend, but she knew that she did not belong in Eden forever.
Then, Evelyn and a group of triumphant citizens from Eden ran into the throne room.
“The trees have finally stopped bleeding heart flowers,” Evelyn announced. She ran to hug Olivia with gratitude.
“The legacy of King Adam II lives on!” declared King Jairus, as he stood to his feet. “I will carry on the legacy of my uncle, and we will live in freedom.”
“I wish I could stay,” Olivia cried, as King Jairus stepped down from his throne.
“I hope you will one day return,” the king said. He kissed her on the cheek and embraced her for a few moments.
Then, Adam II suddenly appeared to everyone in the throne room in a ball of light with Princess Bethany.
“Can you see Adam II and Princess Bethany, too?” Olivia asked and thought she might have imagined their appearances. “I am usually the only one who can see Adam II.”
“I think we can all see him this time,” King Jairus said. “My uncle! My lord! And my mother! How I love you.”
“I grant Evelyn’s request to become a human being,” Adam II bellowed. “After all the trials, she is finally responsible enough for freewill.”
“It is an honor,” Evelyn said. She bowed with respect. “I will honor you with my life.”
Then, Adam II turned to Olivia with praise. “You have not only saved Eden, but also Humansville, and I am eternally grateful,” he announced and bowed to Olivia.
“All hail the Tree of Bleeding Hearts!” King Adam II decried. He motioned his hand upward, as a tree shot through the seat of his throne. King Jairus looked in awe as a tree with red hearts grew in the place where he sat a few moments ago.
“In the same place where I disappeared, the Tree of Bleeding Hearts will stand as a reminder that I am still alive, even if I now exist with Princess Bethany and many others in another realm,” Adam II declared. “All three legendary trees, the Tree of Good and Evil, the Tree of Life, and the Tree of Bleeding Hearts, will stand tall in Eden, radiating domes of light as sacred testimonies to my reign.”
“Son, we have both passed to the second realm, where souls travel when they have left Eden,” Princess Bethany explained. “We will meet you here when your soul has passed. Until then, build yourself a new throne and make me proud, my child.”
“Yes, mother,” Jairus said with tears. “I will honor you my entire life.”
Adam II waved his hand and once again opened the window between Eden and Humansville. Olivia looked sad, as she did not want to leave after such a great victory.
“From now on, King Jairus will be able to open the window to Humansville on my behalf,” Adam II said. “All my powers and duties transfer to him willingly.”
“Goodbye for now!” Olivia said. Without overthinking it, Olivia jumped through the magical window with her dog and her flask of fire. She waved goodbye to King Jairus and Evelyn, only to return to where her adventures began—in Humansville.
This time Evelyn, now a human, followed Olivia through the window back to her own Tree of Bleeding Hearts that was once a Tree of Life.
“The evil that started in Eden had ended there,” Olivia said. She collapsed with Meatloaf and Evelyn out of the window into her backyard. She held the flask of fire at her heart.
“Do you hear the player piano, Meatloaf?” Olivia asked her canine friend.
“I hear the piano,” Evelyn said. The instrument’s keys again played the magical song that sounds when the window opens to transport people between the two worlds. Meatloaf barked with joy and ran to his doggy dish for a meal. He had been without canine treats for at least three days in Eden, but just like last time, Olivia’s family did not seem to miss her in the slightest.
Then, Evelyn stood up and looked at the leaf that covered her body.
“We are going to need to find me some human clothes before anyone wonders why I am wearing this outfit,” she said to Olivia. “Do you have any that I can borrow?”
Before Olivia could answer Evelyn, the ground opened and swallowed the crippled tree that had grown in Olivia’s backyard. Olivia and Evelyn gasped as Meatloaf howled.
“Oh, not another earthquake,” Olivia could hear her father yell from inside the house. One of the windows on the back of the house cracked into pieces.
“Olivia, what did you do now?” her mother scolded. “We just cleaned up the last mess.”
“I’ve gotten used to the craziness by now,” her brother commented, as he stumbled into the backyard with his parents. “Did the ground swallow the latest tree? All this weird stuff happens around here.” Then, he looked at Evelyn and eyed her unusual clothes. “Who are you?”
“I’m Evelyn,” she explained to Nathan. “I’m just Olivia’s friend from school.”
Then, the ground reopened in another quake, and three new trees shot up from the large hole in the backyard, symbolic of the original Trees of Eden: The Tree of Good and Evil, full of evil red apples and a protective swinging sword, the Tree of Life, full of twelve different types of good fruit, and the Tree of Bleeding Hearts, with its red heart-shaped flowers. Then, the ground closed around them, as though they had always been there in the first place.
“It’s like a small forest in our backyard,” Olivia said, as Meatloaf barked.
“Olivia are you ready for school?” her mother asked. “Your father and I will deal with these trees later!”
“Well, we might as well leave them standing this time,” her father said. “When I tried to cut them down, they just grew back anyhow. At least I won’t have to buy much shrubbery.”
“I’m ready for school, Olivia,” Nathan told his sister. “You’re the one who is running late today!”
“I’m not running late,” Olivia said to herself, as she walked into the house for breakfast. “I’ve been busy saving our lives.”
Olivia looked over her shoulder, reminded of the battle for the Land of Eden and that nothing should be taken for granted.
She thought she might have even imagined Adam II sitting beneath the three majestic trees in her backyard. Of course, no one could see him but her.
Copyright 2023 Jennifer Waters
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