Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Keeping the peace has never been so dangerous than at Christmas!

When the Heavenly Toy Soldier loses his job at the Toymaker’s shop in New York City, the manager insists that the company doesn’t need his skills anymore. After all, there has been nothing but peace in the store for years. However, as soon as the neighborhood finds out that the Soldier is fired, hoodlums plot to destroy the store on Christmas Eve until the irreplaceable hero saves the toy store from destruction and ruin. 

The Heavenly Toy Soldier is trying to keep the peace by standing in the doorway of the Toymaker’s Shop, the most famous Fifth Avenue toy store in New York City. He does such a good job that nothing dangerous ever happens in this store. On that day, Mr. Cartwright, the store manager, walks over to the Heavenly Toy Soldier and stands in front of him with a sigh, shaking his head. He tells him that the store is letting him go. Nothing bad ever happens in a store full of kids, and the salary for the soldier is a waste of money. The soldier’s last night will be Christmas Eve. As the Heavenly Toy Soldier fights back a tear, he finds the courage to say that he understands. Then, he looks across the store full of strangers he is protecting. 

When word gets out that the customers have heard of the soldier’s departure, Bubba Joe and Brother Jim, two of the worst hoodlums in the neighborhood, happen to find out. Without anyone knowing, they plot to ruin Christmas and set the store on fire. When Christmas Eve arrives, the Heavenly Toy Soldier feels sadder than he lets the customers know. He has no idea where to find another job. Even still, the soldier keeps his chin up, trying to be thankful for the opportunities that he has had for years in the heart of New York City. 

On Christmas Eve since the soldier is the last one in the store, he decides to spend the night. The Heavenly Toy Soldier bides his time, shuffling toys back to their shelves. Then, he locks the front door behind everyone, sits down in Santa Claus’ armchair, and cries while watching the lights on the store Christmas tree flicker in the darkness. Before the Heavenly Toy Soldier has a chance to get a tissue, someone throws a rock through the front store window. He grabs his toy gun and sounds the store alarm. Then, Bubba Joe and Big Jim jump through the broken window, with giant, flaming torches. The Heavenly Toy Soldier aims his gun at them and shoots his pellet gun. Then, he grabs a water gun from the nearest shelf, fills it from the hose on the store fire engine, and douses the torches before Bubba Joe and Big Jim can burn anything. With that, the New York City Police Department arrives and arrests Bubba Joe and Big Jim, who definitely have a memorable Christmas behind bars. A squad of police cars with loud sirens and K9 police dogs fills the streets. By morning, the Heavenly Toy Soldier is the Christmas hero of the nation, the defender of Fifth Avenue in New York City. Of course, he keeps his job for years to come, keeping the peace for adults and children everywhere.

Copyright 2022 Jennifer Waters

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